Yosemite National Park – 2018

Yosemite National Park is a United States National Park spanning eastern portions of Tuolumne, Mariposa and Madera counties in the central eastern portion of the U.S. state of California. To see more about this National Park, please visit here 

After the successful get-together in Smoky Mountain National Park in 2015, we planned for another get-together, this time in California – to see and explore one of the greatest national parks in the USA, Yosemite National Park. As a CA resident, I took the ownership of finding the accommodation and we found the property called ‘End of Road Retreat‘ in Mariposa which is an hour drive away from the famous Yosemite valley.

Its a 3 bed 2.5 bath with 8 people can sleep. This cabin was amazing. It had everything that we need and it felt so cozy. After a long day hiking and exploring Yosemite Park, it was the perfect place to come back to and relax.

While Raja, Saravanan and Siva Prakash reached the cabin before sun set, I started driving from home (Irvine, CA) only around 2PM. I reached the cabin at around 10PM after losing the path couple of times. They gave me so many voice mails on where/how to come and my phone was searching for the signal at 4000 feet elevation. Finally, somehow I found out the cabin and reached only to find out the Anjappar Briayni waiting for me.!

We had fun night – having drinks, as usual teasing others, playing cards.. We went to bed late night, still got up around 8’o clock next morning. We were planning to go to Yosemite valley, roam around and go to Mist trail hiking

All the above photos (kuranku vithai) were taken while going to Yosemite valley. We wont reveal what Siva Prakash did while going there. The waterfalls were in full flow as it was just after the spring. Luckily, we were getting the parking lot easily as the first day was a non-holiday. We went to see the Yosemite falls – the tallest in the park – 2425 feet combined upper and lower portion of the falls. 

Next, we plan to go to Mist trail which is very famous – its a part of the Half Dome Hiking trail. 

This is Yosemite’s signature hike. While many of Yosemite’s trails are popular due to having a single spectacular destination, the Mist Trail has fabulous views scattered all along it, beginning at the bridge overlook, progressing to two unforgettable waterfalls that fall a combined total of more than 900 feet (270 meters), and ending with perhaps the most striking of all: the view of Nevada Fall, Liberty Cap, and the back of Half Dome from the Muir Trail return segment.

After this hike, it was almost 3’o clock and we didn’t have our lunch. So we returned back to Yosemite valley where we had our lunch. We got some groceries for cooking. After returning our cabin and taking showers, we started cooking – A parotta and chicken gravy and left over Briyani. 

Everyone was dead tired and didn’t know when we slept. Next day morning! we had only till 3’o clock to explore and start going back to catch our (their) flights. So we decided to go for another hike, this time to the top of Yosemite falls. As I hiked the Half Dome, I knew it was not easy to complete this Yosemite falls hike inside 6 hours. And moreover, we didn’t get a parking lot as it was over-crowded on that day. We wasted 30 to 45 minutes finding a parking lot. Finally, parked in a campsite assuming they won’t tow our cars. 

For part of the hike, you are close enough to feel the spray and hear the waterfall thundering down the mountain. Half a way up the climb, you get the amazing view of Yosemite valley with Half Dome view like the above picture. 

This is not the hike to be under-estimated. Getting to the top of upper Yosemite falls is a challenging one. There are lots of switchbacks on this trail. The trail is rocky and un-even after half a way.

After 2 hours, we reached the summit and it was one of the magnificent place to be in that afternoon. The view was spectacular and scary at the same time. The water was in full flow. 

After the hike, Raja, Saravanan and Siva Prakash drive back to San Francisco to catch their flights and I drive back home. Reached home late night. Glad to hear that everyone reached their home safely after a great get-together. One of the best memories to cherish.


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